A few months back I had twittered the teaser for this film which is written and directed by Kevin Smith. John Goodman, Melissa Leo, Michael Angarano and Kevin Pollak all star in this film. What do you think?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Haywire trailer... looks good!
Trailer looks great and hopefully the film will be as good - you know how that goes, sometimes action films don't fulfill the total hype, but this looks good. The cast is awesome, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender, Channing Tatum, Michael Angarano, Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Bill Paxton and Gina Carano. Anyone else down?
I'm on one - DJ Khaled music video...
Loving this song and especially Drake… he sounds real good on this song. Hope you like…
Dirty Girl....trailer
Okay, so I am a little intrigued by this movie for a few reasons, 1) I love the 80s, 80s films or movies based in the 80s, 2) the cast seem cool and 3) seeing a character trying to find answers and figuring life out is always interesting... what do you think? Want to see it or wait for rental?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Battleship (2012) - teaser trailer...
I'm totally excited, 2 Friday Night Lights actors, Taylor Kitsch and Jesse Plemons reunite in this (I'm thinking blockbuster) film, Battleship. In addition to the super talented Liam Neeson, Alexander Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker and Rihanna. I know you guys all know how much I love the show Friday Night Lights and Peter Berg has been behind Friday Night Lights' film and TV show and he is the director on this film. Anyone else excited about this film?
Monday, July 25, 2011
Amy Winehouse, Rest In Peace
The music world lost another talented (and super young) musician, Amy Jade Winehouse (Born September 13, 1983 and Died July 23, 2011). She was born with a gift and also a curse in a constant fight with her addictions and as of right now it does not look like she died of a drug overdose, but unfortunately, I think her health was not doing well due to her issues with alcohol and other substances. Don’t get me wrong, my heart goes out to her family, friends and to her fans (which I am), especially her younger fans. Having an addiction does NOT make a person worthless or a joke – I think addiction can come from several different reasons, desires; a desire within for something or fighting something within oneself, demons can haunt people, even when they seem to have everything anyone could want or one can be in search of peace, happiness or love.
Amy Winehouse broke out in 2007/2008 in the US with the album, Back to Black and was everywhere. She had only released one other album (Frank) before that and it did very well in the UK . The first song I ever heard was 'Rehab' and it was actually the video and I remember thinking who this pinup British chick is. I probably went onto www.mtv.com and searched her name and found other cool songs, ‘You Know I’m No Good’, ‘Back to Black’ and then a remix of ‘Rehab’ featuring the awesome iconic Jay-Z. Of course, I went out and bought the album, Back to Black and of course, that was definitely one of the best albums of that year. Her voice is so powerful and when she was doing well, her performances were super cool and you could tell she was completely enjoying it and loved being on stage.
Of course, who could forget her unforgettable performance during the 2008 Grammys, which she couldn’t attend in the US , but played live from London and what a performance. I believe she won four grammys out of 5 nominations… that alone was going down in the books no matter would happen after that. It’s so sad to me that she passed away so young and knowing all the talent that was in her and of course, it leaves her family, friends and fans with the idea of what if for the rest of their lives. She was recording a new album so hopefully her record company will release that album soon.
I’ve posted the videos/songs that I love and no matter how you feel about Amy or other people with addition issues, please remember she was a human being with such a talent and her memory deserves to be respected and it’s a total cliché to say, but Amy Jade Winehouse will be remembered through her music, her powerful voice and her cool performances. Unfortunately, she will also be remembered as all other artists who died at the age of 27 (Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin) or died just way too young (Buddy Holly and Jeff Buckley).
I will miss the music she was yet to do but will remember the feeling I got when I first heard her amazing voice and hope she has found peace... Rest In Peace Amy.
“So far removed from all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black”~ Lyrics from Back to Black
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black”~ Lyrics from Back to Black
“I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good” ~ Lyrics from You Know I’m No Good
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good” ~ Lyrics from You Know I’m No Good
Mainstreet (2011) HD Trailer
This trailer doesn't need much selling from me... unless you don't like anyone of these fine, talented actors, Colin Firth, Patricia Clarkson, Orlando Bloom, Amber Tamblyn, legendary Ellen Burstyn and iconic (& awesome) Andrew McCarthy.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Drive.2011.Red Band Trailer
I can't wait for this film... love Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan - both are SO talented and the rest of the cast is awesome! It looks so intense!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
TONIGHT (7/19) -- 30 Seconds to Mars Unplugged (MTV)
I think you are all aware that I am a total MTV girl, although, I'm not a huge fan of all the recent extra shows they have on now, miss the old days/shows (real world NY, San Francisco -- they were so raw compared to the real worlds now or the Jersey shore, etc.). However, MTV Unplugged was a genius idea... some wonderful performances in the past, including my favorite and probably the most legendary performance, Nirvana, to other great performances (that I can remember) The Cranberries, Hole, (iconic) The Cure, Pearl Jam, Lenny Kravitz, LL Cool J, Alice In Chains, Maxwell, and to recent performances by Vampire Weekend, B.O.B, Silversun Pickups and Lykke Li. And tonight on http://www.mtv.com/, we get to see the very cool band, 30 Seconds to Mars. Here is a little glimpse of a cover they performed... http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/672914/where-the-streets-have-no-name-mtv-unplugged.jhtml
Can't wait... hope you tune in to watch and spread the love for 30 Seconds to Mars.
Can't wait... hope you tune in to watch and spread the love for 30 Seconds to Mars.
Continuation of Nirvana's Nevermind 20th Anniversary...
Finally at the end of last month (June), we got confirmation that there will be a deluxe reissue of Nirvana's Nevermind and I don't know about you, but I can't wait!!! This is really exciting for me, they are saying possibly a 5 disc reissue. Here is a little article from Rolling Stone Magazine and Dave Grohl said they might have some stuff planned for the anniversary - so thats exciting. As I've mentioned in prior posts, September is the month of the original release date...and I'm actually going to see Foo Fighters live in September... which now I'm a little more excited about!
For this month's countdown to the anniversay... I decided to post two songs from Nevermind. Both songs are fun to sing-a-long to! First is 'Drain You', followed by 'Polly'... both are just fun to me and then I decided to post an unplugged, 'Something In the Way', which is also on the Nevermind album.
Something about Kurt's voice during MTV Unplugged, was just really magical to me and how he sounds on 'Something In the Way'. I didn't post the original version off of Nevermind (maybe on another post), but here is the unplugged performance and lyrics.
Underneath the bridge
My tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from my ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
For this month's countdown to the anniversay... I decided to post two songs from Nevermind. Both songs are fun to sing-a-long to! First is 'Drain You', followed by 'Polly'... both are just fun to me and then I decided to post an unplugged, 'Something In the Way', which is also on the Nevermind album.
Something about Kurt's voice during MTV Unplugged, was just really magical to me and how he sounds on 'Something In the Way'. I didn't post the original version off of Nevermind (maybe on another post), but here is the unplugged performance and lyrics.
Underneath the bridge
My tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from my ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Monday, July 18, 2011
Rise Against - Make It Stop (September Children)
I heard this song a few weeks ago and recently saw the video and the song itself is great, but once you see the video, what an impact!!!!
This video is so significant, besides the song having such a powerful message, it practically serves as a remembrance to those teen suicides that occurred last fall (2010). It also promotes the great organization, http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
The song is great and lyrics are really well written,
It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.
Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget?
Gathering the candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?
Most kids get picked on/bullied at some point in their life; whether it's their clothes, the music they listen to, the color of their skin, their nationality, if they have an accent or who they love. All bullying is wrong and it saddens me that in 2011 we are still fighting for everyone to get along. I'm a HUGE believer in respecting everyone - no matter what. Unfortunately, not many people agree with me - they stay close-minded and do not respect everyone for who they are. For those kids who are living with bullying everyday, know that although you may feel alone (trust me, I know, how that feels), you are not alone... and like the organization says, 'It Gets Better'. May not be in a month or a year, but it will and I believe your worth it - to fight and survive it and live the life you were meant to live, fully and happily. Young adults in their 20s and 30s are still sometimes dealing with society and it's unfair, being an adult and feeling that... but again, 'It Gets Better'.
I'm hoping sharing this video and writing my little sentences makes someone feel better and fight their way through.... #URnotALONE #RiseAgainst #SeptemberChildren
This video is so significant, besides the song having such a powerful message, it practically serves as a remembrance to those teen suicides that occurred last fall (2010). It also promotes the great organization, http://www.itgetsbetter.org/
The song is great and lyrics are really well written,
It's always darkest just before the dawn.
So stay awake with me, let's prove them wrong.
Make it stop.
Let this end,
Eighteen years pushed to the ledge.
It's come to this,
A weightless step.
On the way down singing,
Woah, woah.
The cold river washed him away,
But how could we forget?
Gathering the candles, but not their tongues.
And too much blood has flown from the wrists,
Of the children shamed for those they chose to kiss.
Who will rise to stop the blood?
Most kids get picked on/bullied at some point in their life; whether it's their clothes, the music they listen to, the color of their skin, their nationality, if they have an accent or who they love. All bullying is wrong and it saddens me that in 2011 we are still fighting for everyone to get along. I'm a HUGE believer in respecting everyone - no matter what. Unfortunately, not many people agree with me - they stay close-minded and do not respect everyone for who they are. For those kids who are living with bullying everyday, know that although you may feel alone (trust me, I know, how that feels), you are not alone... and like the organization says, 'It Gets Better'. May not be in a month or a year, but it will and I believe your worth it - to fight and survive it and live the life you were meant to live, fully and happily. Young adults in their 20s and 30s are still sometimes dealing with society and it's unfair, being an adult and feeling that... but again, 'It Gets Better'.
I'm hoping sharing this video and writing my little sentences makes someone feel better and fight their way through.... #URnotALONE #RiseAgainst #SeptemberChildren
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Taking Back Sunday - Faith (When I Let You Down)
I've heard about this band for a few years now, but this song is the first one that really got me and the video is pretty funny... I wasn't able to post the video, just the audio, but I did add the link to the actual video.. so check that out. The words are pretty good too... well, I like them anyway.
You could lose your faith in music
Or lose your faith in friends
You could lose your faith in freedom
Feel trapped in your own skin
But I'll be right there beside you (I'll be right there beside you) When the walls are cavin' in (I swear oh I'm not going anywhere)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Middle Class Rut "Busy Bein' Born" (Official Uncensored Version)
Second single from this band that really grabbed my attention... the first single/video, 'New Low' was very cool and this one sounds really on the angry side, but still fun!! And I'm loving the lead singers voice...
Kid Rock & Keith Urban - Concert Reviews....
This week has definitely been a great week in music for me personally... I was lucky enough to attend two concerts and both artists are so different but yet they do play for the same genre at times. The first concert was on Tuesday, July 12th at the NJ’s PNC Bank Arts Center, and it was one of the hottest days/nights in the metro area and this location is an open site so it was definitely warm. But those nice cold beers went down real smooth! If your from the east coast, you probably have probably guessed that the first concert was the always cool and tell it like it is, mister Robert Ritchie, Mr. Detroit himself, a.k.a Kid Rock. Prior to getting on stage though, they had a slide show if you will, school pictures of Kid Rock, pictures of his young days rapping and facts about each album he ever, EVER released and of him currently, including photos of him with troops overseas that he has gone and visited and toured for.
He got on stage and his first song was, ‘American Bad Ass’, which of course was a perfect way to start a very hot Jersey night. He really went through song after song with such energy and pure love and I could tell he wanted everyone to have a great night. I couldn’t help but feel bad at times, when he, as well as his opening act, the great Sheryl Crow would mention how hot it was in New Jersey, but that didn’t stop either one of them of leaving everything they had on stage. All of Kid Rock’s performances were great, but for me, the stand out performances were, when Sheryl Crow came out and they did ‘Love the One Your With’, and his encore sets, ‘All Summer Long’, ‘Only God Knows Why’ and ‘Born Free’. I was hoping he would do some of my favorites off my favorite album, Rock n Roll Jesus, but at the end of the night, I had a great time and I was a HUGE fan of his but now LOVE him even more. Oh, and one more thing, I thought it was awesome, when he played the guitar, did some good stuff on the turntables, and played the drums...if anyone every doubted his talent, well, there you go! As Kid Rock told Jimmy Fallon this week, on Jimmy’s late night show, ‘I know about two things, music and beer’.
Kid Rock sounded really great, I think I’ve seen every performance on TV or online that he has ever done (including interviews) and he sounded really great, like really, really great and I will definitely try to attend his concerts anytime he is on the east coast. So here is a clip of the song I mentioned above with Sheryl Crow.
The second concert I attended was at Newark’s Prudential Center, a.k.a. The Rock. This was actually the second time I’ve seen this artist, which is the reason I am fan, even after I heard a few songs and thought they were pretty good, but his live shows are what sold me. Two years ago, he had Lady Antebellum or Sugarland open for him, but this year we got the new hit comer, Jake Owens. It was the great, super sincere, country musician but plays his guitar like a rock’n’roll star, Keith Urban. Luckily during his concert, I had an awesome phone which the video clips totally capture how great he really sounded. He is also someone I will see time and time again... he is just that great and you can tell he has the best time playing on stage, with his guitars and sounds super appreciative of the crowd for being there.
He opened his show with ‘I Wanna Put You in a Song’ and that was just brilliant - it got the crowd right off their asses and the entire audience was swaying their hips side to side uncontrollably. I was telling my friends, even if your not a country fan, you would enjoy seeing Keith Urban play live... he rips on each one of his guitars which always amazes me how much of his love for rock music shows up in his country songs.... if your a fan of music, or have the respect for it as I do, and as many others do, such as Keith Urban, you will like, no, LOVE to see him play live. Please check out these great clips and it definitely speaks for itself... no need for me to sell it, it sells itself. Really great...
These two great artists that I love for different reasons, but both are similar in appreciating the audience paying their hard earned money and choosing their concerts and both declared this during their show. Both are hard working, family men and are also are out to help others, they are not just making all these millions and not doing anything - they are out there - always looking out for a way to help. Besides writing great music, lyrics and performing like it will be their last show; they are both really talented guys and I would love to have the honor of meeting both of them one day and just sitting down and chit chatting over music with a nice cold beer. I hope you get a chance to watch these guys play live real soon...
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Family Tree Trailer 2011 HD
I'm liking the cast alot... the awesome Dermot Mulroney, the cool Selma Blair and Max Thieriot, the 90s teen now adult Rachael Leigh Cook, classic Jane Seymour and more....
Love films with family drama...maybe it comes from my family being big and at times crazy, but at the end alot of love! What do you think...interested??
Love films with family drama...maybe it comes from my family being big and at times crazy, but at the end alot of love! What do you think...interested??
Friday, July 8, 2011
Emma Watson, young but such a Fashion Icon
Emma Watson is only 21 years old, but obviously starring in all of the Harry Potter films - we as fans of the books, films and now of these young actors, we have seen her grown up just like the rest of the cast, but Watson is such a fashion figure. In the past two or three years she has just stood out to me so much with her red carpet choices. Just really gorgeous, fun, amazing dresses. This week, she is promoting the final film and its so bittersweet for the entire cast, especially Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, I would imagine. Growing up on sets with these teammates and just having fun being kids and playing pretend and no matter what happens as they move on, onto other films, or in other areas, there will always be a bond, a connection. How could there not be, even if for a split second they don't get along... I couldn't imagine them not having an sort of loving affection toward each other and such fond memories and a connection that no one could understand being that young and the phenomenon that Harry Potter was and still is. Anyway, getting sentimental losing track of my original purpose, Emma Watson at the red carpet for a photo call, London's premiere and the premiere's after party. Tell me she doesn't look simply enchanting...
remember go see the movie next weekend and thanks to www.justjared.com for posting such awesome pictures of Emma Watson.
remember go see the movie next weekend and thanks to www.justjared.com for posting such awesome pictures of Emma Watson.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Jim Morrison... it's been 40 years since his death.


Growing up I had heard their songs, but didn't really discover The Doors or Jim Morrison until my early teens, probably 13 or 14 and I was totally mesmerized by Jim Morrison, something about his eyes and his face... it's like he wants to breath you in. I don't know something about him was very enchanting and mysterious to me. Even now, looking over videos and decided which ones to post... still has this weird sense to me. I've also included some of my favorite quotes by him. It's strange, that idea of what if he was still alive. Would he had just faded away in his poetry and writings, maybe directing. Would he be touring or still be involved in music? I don't know... either way, I appreciate his words, his music, his performances and honor the mystery of a man. R.I.P. Jim Morrison

"Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free."
"The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder."
"I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to think. I mean if you can get a whole room full of drunk, stoned people to actually wake up and think, you're doing something."
Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend
I've been wanting to post this video for awhile... finally was able to do so... here you go.
Call Your Girlfriend from Robyn on Vimeo.
Call Your Girlfriend from Robyn on Vimeo.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Blue October - 2 NEW Songs...
You all should know that I'm a HUGE fan of Blue October... for many reasons, but one being the words are so well written, Justin (lead singer) knows how to pour his heart and soul into every song and he has a GREAT voice... and the band has great music to back up these powerful words. Lyrically Justin is one of my favorite writers - HANDS DOWN. They are releasing a new album next month, Any Man in America, and here are the first two songs so far... I believe they are both available to purchase, so get on that ASAP. First one, 'The Feel Again (Stay)' is intense and its a very personal one to Justin (they are all usually very personal). The second video I posted is the first song I heard on NY's RXP 101.9 and it's called 'The Chills'.
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