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    Monday, September 26, 2011

    Nirvana - Nevermind 20th Anniversary!

    Twenty years ago this past Saturday, the music industry was totally rattled and Nevermind became a defining album for young kids, teenagers and young adults.  It is now regarded as one of the most significant albums in music history.

    I was almost 11 years old when I first saw the videos for 'Come as You Are' and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' and that was it for me, I needed to know who this band was and where they came from.  I became such an instant fan, would run to the mall and run to Sam Goody (which is no longer around) and Hot Topic and buy every t-shirt of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, I bought any CDs that were already released and would pre-order their upcoming albums - it was pure crazy love for this band.  I remember going to Europe to visit family and would buy everything and anything I saw with Nirvana or Kurt.  Oh and of course, I bought my first pair of converses shortly after that.. and would constantly write on them and that would continue to go on until my Junior year of high school.   My high school book-bag which I still have somewhere, is still covered in writings and Nirvana & Kurt patches, and other bands that I was into then.

    But after all this time, Nirvana & Kurt still matter; and not just to me, but to many others.  Not too sound to cheesy but it's amazing the power music can give off and can emotionally stay connected for life.  I remember the day when I was 13 and heard about Kurt's passing - that will forever be with me.  It's always hard to lose someone but as a girl who just entered her teen years - Nirvana became even more important and I wanted to take it in even more; every song, every word, every note.   One of my favorite songs off Nevermind was and still is 'Something In the Way', 'Lithium' and 'Stay Away'.  What I loved about Nirvana, besides Kurt's amazing and distinct voice; no song is the same, no sound is the same... all great songs on one album and they all sound so different from one another - their entire music catalog is pretty different from one other, which is awesome!  
    I hope you have days of listening to Nirvana and Kurt's voice and feel connected to it all and hope it reminds you of why Nirvana and Kurt will live on - no matter what.   They will for me.

    Nirvana officially made three solid studio albums and of course my favorite, one unplugged album; which is MTV's best ever Unplugged show - EVER.   They have since released many compilations, box sets and live albums and a few DVDs.   However, next week - they are re-releasing the 20th Anniversary Edition of Nevermind.  I have pre-ordered all that I can including the vinyl editions, which I'm really excited about.   I can't wait to revisit this album from the first song to the very last one as I now usually listen to Nirvana in a shuffle like manor, so it should great to hear it all over and see how I feel.

    Get More: Nirvana, Music News

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