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    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    I want to go to Adventureland…again! Who’s with me?

    I was born in the 80s so I wasn’t lucky enough to experience my teenage years during that time but definitely remember MTV and all the crazy music videos, the clothes, the makeup, the hair and let’s not forget all the colorful accessories! Adventureland made me so nostalgic of the 80s…I left the theatre wanting to go back in time.

    The entire cast is funny and the leads Jason Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart just stand out. To be honest, I’m not too familiar with Jason’s previous films, but every time I saw the trailer - he stood out to me, so he was one of the reasons I wanted to see this and of course, Ryan Reynolds has a smaller role in this film but of course – he always stands out to me! I was worried about Kristen’s portrayal because of all the Twilight insanity I didn’t want to see “Bella” being played again. I did worry on the first scene she was in, but the next time she was on screen, she was not “Bella” she was ‘Em’ and she killed it throughout the rest of the film - did an awesome job… she and Jason were great and also when she was with Ryan Reynolds – so much fun! And I have to say Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig made me laugh as well... just have to recognize those two and the rest of the cast were so easy to watch and love and just made me want to reminisce about my funny teenage stories like that.

    Gregg Mottola who produced Superbad wrote this story based on his teenage years working at Adventureland. Eisenberg plays James whose summer plans fall through and so to save some money for his first semester at grad school – he gets a job at Adventureland and meets all these people and falls for Em, played by Stewart. Who is also having a rough summer with some personal issues and doesn’t really know exactly what to do with James and I’m assuming has never been treated this way by a guy (sweet). And Hader and Wiig are the managers of James, Em and the rest of the young cast; which I would have loved them as my managers when I was a teenager. It’s a real fun movie and the soundtrack is pretty fun except for one song that after awhile – enough is enough….I felt James’ frustration!

    So definitely check it out…It’s a fun movie – either it will make you appreciate your teenager years or wish your teenage years were similar to James or Em. Go… have a good time and reminisce about your 80s experience!