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    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    Choke – DVD Review…

    Sam Rockwell is so much fun – whether his character is playing a handsome bad guy or a suicidal husband, or even a cowboy. I’ve been a fan since Charlie’s Angel and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (which everyone should see – SO GOOD)!

    In Choke, Sam Rockwell plays Victor Mancini, son to Ida Mancini, played by the legendary Angelica Huston, who is too ill to recognize the people in front of her. He had to drop out of medical school to care for his mother and pay the bills of the hospital care. He has a sexual addiction and attends workshops for his addiction and works at a loser colonial theme park. Oh yeah, almost forget he scans people by pretending to choke on food so the people who do save him feel obligated to send him money. However, Victor falls for a doctor (surprise there) and feels that he should know his father or more about his family and tries to figure out a way to obtain this information from his ill mother before she dies. Throughout the movie there are scenes of his childhood with his mother and certain things he experienced and you begin to feel for Victor.

    There is a scene between Huston and Rockwell that even made me tear up. As a whole this movie is missing something, but if you’re a fan of Rockwell, I think you should see him and Huston – just really good and it does get you at the end.