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    Thursday, May 21, 2009

    The Tudors - Everyone should be watching this!!

    I just recently started watching the episodes for this current season (Season 3 for those of you who do not follow this great show - YOUR MISSING OUT!) and I am blown away by Jonathan Rhys Meyers' performance this season. Don't get me wrong he has always been on point and last season when Thomas Moore was decapitated - i felt bad for King Henry but the four episodes I have seen for this season - Meyes' is beyond great!

    A few scenes from different episodes got me! The scene from episode 3 where he reconciles with is eldest daughter Mary - very sweet and touching. Two scenes from episode 4 where he watches the ladies wash Queen Jane's hair -- a very touching way of showing his love for his queen. Shown and executed very well! And lastly, the dispear of King Henry when Queen Jane was ill - i wanted his "light to stay in the world of his darkness" - just really great!

    This has emmy quality all over it and well-deserved!!!