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    Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    I know, I know, I’m a bit behind on this, but just have to say that The Strangers was definitely not bloody scary, but a bit freaky because of how that could happen to anyone in a remote location!

    Scott Speedman and Liv Tyler are very cool in my book and thought they did an awesome job. As soon as I saw that this movie was based on true events, oh boy was already nervous. It was definitely weird and strange but not scary like Jason/Freddy films. And not even that bloody – it just plays with your head as your walking home or walking inside the house from your driveway – little things like that!

    I can only imagine how scary it must have felt watching it on a big screen opening night – not knowing what was coming up. Luckily, I had some ideas of the movie from a friend and read about it while it was in theatres last year, so I was able to prepare mentally for this film prior to viewing it.

    If you like scary films, you should definitely try to watch it – at least once.