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    Thursday, June 4, 2009

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Movie Review

    I have to start by saying that X-Men movie series is one of my favorite comic book films and this story of Wolverine was good, but was slightly disappointed. It could be that I may have had too many expectations and it was good, but not as good as X-men. My 7 yr old cousin loved it though – thought it was crazy amazing!

    Hugh Jackman was great, but Liev Schreiber was even better! Unfortunately, Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Kitsch weren’t on the screen for too long…but left me wanting more of both of them!

    It was a good, fun movie – and if you have a chance, definitely try to catch it in theatres, because the fight scenes were super good and lots of fun to watch. Some moves were really crazy – so try to catch that on a big screen before it’s on DVD.