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    Friday, July 8, 2011

    Emma Watson, young but such a Fashion Icon

    Emma Watson is only 21 years old, but obviously starring in all of the Harry Potter films - we as fans of the books, films and now of these young actors, we have seen her grown up just like the rest of the cast, but Watson is such a fashion figure.  In the past two or three years she has just stood out to me so much with her red carpet choices.   Just really gorgeous, fun, amazing dresses.   This week, she is promoting the final film and its so bittersweet for the entire cast, especially Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, I would imagine.  Growing up on sets with these teammates and just having fun being kids and playing pretend and no matter what happens as they move on, onto other films, or in other areas, there will always be a bond, a connection.  How could there not be, even if for a split second they don't get along... I couldn't imagine them not having an sort of loving affection toward each other and such fond memories and a connection that no one could understand being that young and the phenomenon that Harry Potter was and still is.   Anyway, getting sentimental losing track of my original purpose, Emma Watson at the red carpet for a photo call, London's premiere and the premiere's after party.  Tell me she doesn't look simply enchanting...  
    remember go see the movie next weekend and thanks to for posting such awesome pictures of Emma Watson.

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