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    Saturday, July 16, 2011

    Kid Rock & Keith Urban - Concert Reviews....

    This week has definitely been a great week in music for me personally... I was lucky enough to attend two concerts and both artists are so different but yet they do play for the same genre at times.   The first concert was on Tuesday, July 12th at the NJ’s PNC Bank Arts Center, and it was one of the hottest days/nights in the metro area and this location is an open site so it was definitely warm.   But those nice cold beers went down real smooth!   If your from the east coast, you probably have probably guessed that the first concert was the always cool and tell it like it is, mister Robert Ritchie, Mr. Detroit himself, a.k.a Kid Rock.  Prior to getting on stage though, they had a slide show if you will, school pictures of Kid Rock, pictures of his young days rapping and facts about each album he ever, EVER released and of him currently, including photos of him with troops overseas that he has gone and visited and toured for.
    He got on stage and his first song was, ‘American Bad Ass’, which of course was a perfect way to start a very hot Jersey night.  He really went through song after song with such energy and pure love and I could tell he wanted everyone to have a great night.  I couldn’t help but feel bad at times, when he, as well as his opening act, the great Sheryl Crow would mention how hot it was in New Jersey, but that didn’t stop either one of them of leaving everything they had on stage.  All of Kid Rock’s performances were great, but for me, the stand out performances were, when Sheryl Crow came out and they did ‘Love the One Your With’, and his encore sets, ‘All Summer Long’, ‘Only God Knows Why’ and ‘Born Free’.   I was hoping he would do some of my favorites off my favorite album, Rock n Roll Jesus, but at the end of the night, I had a great time and I was a HUGE fan of his but now LOVE him even more.   Oh, and one more thing, I thought it was awesome, when he played the guitar, did some good stuff on the turntables, and played the drums...if anyone every doubted his talent, well, there you go!   As Kid Rock told Jimmy Fallon this week, on Jimmy’s late night show, ‘I know about two things, music and beer’.  
    Kid Rock sounded really great, I think I’ve seen every performance on TV or online that he has ever done (including interviews) and he sounded really great, like really, really great and I will definitely try to attend his concerts anytime he is on the east coast.  So here is a clip of the song I mentioned above with Sheryl Crow.

    The second concert I attended was at Newark’s Prudential Center, a.k.a. The Rock.    This was actually the second time I’ve seen this artist, which is the reason I am fan, even after I heard a few songs and thought they were pretty good, but his live shows are what sold me.   Two years ago, he had Lady Antebellum or Sugarland open for him, but this year we got the new hit comer, Jake Owens.   It was the great, super sincere, country musician but plays his guitar like a rock’n’roll star, Keith Urban.  Luckily during his concert, I had an awesome phone which the video clips totally capture how great he really sounded.  He is also someone I will see time and time again... he is just that great and you can tell he has the best time playing on stage, with his guitars and sounds super appreciative of the crowd for being there.  
    He opened his show with ‘I Wanna Put You in a Song’ and that was just brilliant - it got the crowd right off their asses and the entire audience was swaying their hips side to side uncontrollably.   I was telling my friends, even if your not a country fan, you would enjoy seeing Keith Urban play live... he rips on each one of his guitars which always amazes me how much of his love for rock music shows up in his country songs.... if your a fan of music, or have the respect for it as I do, and as many others do, such as Keith Urban, you will like, no, LOVE to see him play live.   Please check out these great clips and it definitely speaks for itself... no need for me to sell it, it sells itself.   Really great... 
    These two great artists that I love for different reasons, but both are similar in appreciating the audience paying their hard earned money and choosing their concerts and both declared this during their show.  Both are hard working, family men and are also are out to help others, they are not just making all these millions and not doing anything - they are out there - always looking out for a way to help.   Besides writing great music, lyrics and performing like it will be their last show; they are both really talented guys and I would love to have the honor of meeting both of them one day and just sitting down and chit chatting over music with a nice cold beer.  I hope you get a chance to watch these guys play live real soon... 

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